Get this year started by selecting one our favorite New Year Resolutions:
- Get Healthier: Everybody is looking to get fit, so whether it is losing a few pounds or eating better, this years plan is to trim down. Losing weight is the top new year’s resolution in America each year. With fun activities like zumba and spin class, and program like there are a lot of great ways to help you reach your goals.
- Reduce Debt- This was a big one for me last year and I can tell you how amazing it is to see your work pay off. The task can seem overwhelming but by attacking it, even just a few dollars at a time on a consistent basis can work wonders.
- Earn More Money: Even the top earners in the country continually are looking for a way to make money. So whether it is investing in stocks or picking up a second income to generate a few extra dollars, creating a bit of wiggle room can really help.
- Speak Up: The time is now to get a bit like Joe Clark (from movie Lean on Me) and tell certain people in your life what you really need to say. What are you waiting for? If you don’t stand up for yourself, who will?
- Get a Movie-cation – Are you tired of not understanding key film references or have you been working so hard that you can’t keep track of the conversation at the lunch table? Then take some free time and veg out. There are a million and one great movies to catch up on. Having a DVR and Netflix lets me escape and bing watch without commercials. Love it!
- Reduce Stress- Stress can kill your relationships and end your life. With the chaotic lifestyles we lead stress is inevitable so it must be managed. So try some stress management technique.
- Get Some Gumption- One of my favorite lines in the movie Holiday was to stop playing the supporting actress in your own life. Just brilliant! You are not just an actress in your life, you are the writer, producer and you control the cast and the direction of the story line so act like it.
- Be Happier With Your Life- You can have the job, house, and family that you wanted and still not be happy. With all of those items comes stress, responsibility, and financial strain. It takes prioritization, patience and reflection to see how far you’ve come and find the joy in the small things. Take some time and map your way to a joy filled life.
- Be More Romantic: Being a mom, designer, advisor, parent, CEO, community member and a wife, requires you to wear many hats. So after a long day at work and at home, sometimes it can be difficult to uncover the romantic lying within you. Don’t let the romance die! Passion can be reignited with a few romantic gestures. With just a little planning, intimacy can be created no matter how much time or money you have. Dust off your sexy and create a plan to get your groove back.
- Learn a New Language: Diversity is everywhere and as our communities evolve we to should improve our communicative abilities to that we evolve with it. There are tons of resources and languages to choice from. My favorite is the Dualingo app, you can pick up a new language in just 15 minute a day.
- Reinvent Yourself: Are you walking around feeling blah or negative about your life? It is time to reinvent yourself. Reinventing yourself can increase your confidence and provide you with new perspective to begin seeing life in a whole new way. Start making changes and see the new direction that your life takes.
- Face Your Insecurities or Fears: People rated public speaking as being scarier than death. It is time to take control back of your life! Don’t let your fears and insecurities hold you back from becoming who you really want to be. Start taking steps today to move to the next level.
- Write a Book or Journal: Our lives are so filled with every changing activity that we sometimes forget the details of some of the most important moments of our lives. The moments that helped us evolve to become who we are today; don’t lose another important moment. Just by taking a few minutes to write down your special moments, the beauty of your life will not fade and your story will begin to evolve in a way that can be shared for generations. How liberating!
- Get a Creative Outlet: Sometimes your work cannot be everything that you would like it to be. So don’t just sit around, mope about it and hate your job. Find a creative outlet that allows you to use all of your many talents and let your spark be reignited!
- Learn to Cook With Flare: Everyone needs to know how to cook for survival but how about for fun? Have you ever created something that melts in your mouth and awakens your taste buds? If not, what are you waiting for? There is a world full of flavors and they are just a click away!
- Start Saving Money: After you get a handle on your debt you can finally start stacking some paper away for a rainy day. A rainy day fun can be a life saver if you pop a tire or see a groupon deal that is just too good to be true. Consistent weekly deposits no matter the size will keep you on track, so the buck stops here and pull out your piggy banks.
- Travel to Somewhere New- Broaden you horizons and travel somewhere you have never been. It can be the next city, that delicatessen that you always wanted to visit or better the Caribbean. The world is your oyster, so crack it open and enjoy the savory wonders that await within.
- Improve Your Space- We spend more time at work then we do at home yet very few workspace reflect any of true style. This year get creative!
- Get Inspired- Life can become mundane going back and forth to work doing your normal routine. So think back to a time that really excites you and get inspired. Go on an adventure and uncover multiple items that inspire you and engage.
We were so inspired by this list that here at So Work Week Chic that we will be exploring all of them this year. Doesn't that sound like a road map for fun? As always you get to take part too! We challenge you to choose which resolutions you want to take part in and send us in your journey to for a guest post or share your journey with us on Instagram. at #SWWC. Comment below on which ones were you favorite so we can get started! This year is going to be So Work Week Chic!
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