The Women's March: This is What Democracy Looks Like
The streets were filled with energy yesterday, as women from over the world flew in to unite and shared a unified message. The message, to me, although it was said in many different ways, is that we are America and we will be heard. Cites all over the country joined Washington DC in holding women's marches and speeding the message. It is hard believe that this all started from a 60 year old grandma, living in Hawaii, request for women everywhere to join up with her inauguration weekend in Washington, D.C. to share our frustrations. Who said one person doesn't make a difference. Yesterday, it truly proved the point that we are stronger together. There were people from all walks of life with strong opinions but chose to make the day about love and unity of purpose instead of hate!
Despite the gloomy, wet weather my family attended with me. Of course, I had to wear my high heeled tennis shoes because they were so obviously made for this cause! We pulled on our sweaters and joined together as they too wanted to support something as important as a women's right to choose, equality and equal pay. So we pilled in the car with great excitement and anticipation of joining in the march. We looked forward to being inspired by other women and their diverse experiences and perspectives. The number of individuals that we encountered seemed like 5 times the 200,000 expected. Everywhere you looked, on every available street, there were pink hats and strong women as far as the eye could see! I hadn't been a part of a crowd like that since Obama's inauguration in 2008. We had so many participants attend, that at one point the news began saying it was no longer a march but a rally. Just when we thought that we wouldn't be able to march because we literally had filled the marching route with hundreds of thousand of supporters, the organizers came over the microphone and announced the news had spoken incorrectly, We Will March!! They had gotten the new route approved and we would still be able to join together to march! The crowd roared! It was such an amazing experience having my children and husband beside me, along side hundreds of thousands of women to stand up for our rights. It was a powerful day for women everywhere! As we began to make our way Alicia Keys took the stage and sang "This Girl is on Fire," which energized the crowd. Women began chanting "our bodies our choice" and men replied "her body, her choice", over and over in a powerful, supportive tone! Then Maxwell's beautiful, melodic voice rang out with it's "A Women's World" and we were all physically moved in unison to non-violently continue marching together to surround the white house with love and purpose.
I can't explain how moving it was to see people of all races holding up signs that #Black Lives Matter and supporting causes other than their own, young teenagers with Tupac quotes pinned to their backs, Southern older women in pink, pussy cat hats chanting "immigrants are welcome here", Muslim women donned in purple and gold beside women of all nationalities and religions chanting "this is what democracy looks like!" It surely felt like we were part of something powerful yesterday. The signs were hilarious and meaningful. They were so good that museums are collecting them for future display. I only wish we had sold together before the election. That time has gone, I respect President Donald Trump's authority, as our newly elected president and I hope that he has taken note. I hope he got the chance to witness the power of this countries women today! I pray he doesn't turn a deaf ear and take it lightly but begins to hear our prospectives and support the policies that are important to us as our elected leader. I hope that women everywhere will stay organized and remember this day, as a successful show of love and unity. I truly hope that we will continue to fight not let someone else tell us what to do with our bodies. I look forward to future engagements and to continue to come together to keep our choices our-own!
What Does a Person Wear to March on Washington?
What do you wear when you are trying to stand for something? Suffragist wore white, women in business wear pant suits and feminist have been known to wear their politics on thier sleeve. Inspired by the suffragist on voting day I wore white, I wear pantsuits almost everyday because they make me feel powerful and I embrace my inner boss lady. I also love a good statement wether its from you mouth or on your shirt! So today, as I prepare to walk with hundreds of thousands of women and men in solidarity I am thankful for getting here.
One of the last times that my feet hit the pavement to march in Washington, DC was in 2008, to gather in unity, in support of President Obama's inauguration. We gathered by the thousands in peaceful assembly to visually witness the historic moment and share in the success of the "Yes We Can"movement. We sang on the metro with complete strangers, walked down the mall side by side with celebrities, and despite the cold weather, we teared up together, as the first minority president was sworn in. Everyone at the event, left feeling like, "Yes We Did!"
Today, as get ready for the event and the treck down to DC, I am filled with excitement and emotions, not knowing what to expect.
A history of protesting is not required to share your voice in unison. Any of us can become an influential activist! A grandmother in her 60's, out of frustration, started this rally cry to meet up in Washington during inauguration weekend in a Facebook post and within 24 hours 10,000 people agreed to join her there. Now hundreds of thousand will join together to make a statement. How will you make your statement today? If you haven't made up your mind, think about:
- Feminist t-shirt- There are amazing shirts out there that share any type of message that you are trying to make without having to say a thing.
- Suffragist white- Many women through out time, starting with the suffragist, wore white, feminine outfits to dress in unity for thier cause.
- Put a cap on it- Wear it is a knitted hot pink hat to support women's rights, throw on a cap for nod to unisex fashion or sport a Love Trumps Hate ball cap like @jasminesig. Say what you want to say and give yourself a pat on the back for having functional clothing.
- Stand for Something- On a big day like this, look for designers that stand for something. I will be wearing my drama knit kimono from Marla Wynne, who believes that every women is unique and if you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun! Which I also totally believe.
Netflix Couchtopia: Jane Wants a Boyfriend
Jane Wants a Boyfriend is a movie about Jane, an autistic young women that is trying to brake away from her sheltered life when her parents move away. Her over protective sister Bianca trys to keep her in a bubble. Jane's journey to find love takes a turn when a sue chef takes notice and finds her quickness endearing. This romance story is slightly reminiscent of Benny and Joon and shows the relationship journey and challenges young women with disabilities face when finding their independance.
Four Transitional Pieces You Need Right Now
When I was preparing to run out to my Ladies Lunch at Bollywood Bistro, I opened the the door to check the weather and what did I find? Rainy, windy weather! I was never so glad to pull out the four transitional pieces that everyone should have this wintery season on hand:
- A Sweater Dress: Warm and cozy pieces like this can take you from the couch to a wine festival. Sweater dresses are chic, sexy and comfy.
- A Sleeveless Sweater Vest: Living in layers becomes a necessity during the winter and this piece is unparalleled for the task. Its sleekness nature allows for the styling beneath to pop while adding and bit of texture and coverage.
- Knee High Boots: The suede brings a bit of texture and the height goes great with varying hemlines lengths.
- An Oversized Bag: This big and stylish oversized bag can hold just about anything from gifts, your makeup bag to a cape. To get us to Coffee De Clieu & Sandwiches I wore a cape so I didn't get my hair wet and then just popped in my oversized bag without a second thought. This bag comes in so handy!
These versatile pieces can be worn together or separately to get you from lunch to coffee to the grocery store and back to the couch. What more can you ask?
Get the Look:
Vest: Tahari (similar)
Purse: L.A.M.B Kingston (similar)
Boots: Jeffrey Tyler (similar)
Sweater Dress: Stefani Rodgers (similar)
Watch: Michael Kors (similar)
Earring: Old Navy (similar)