The New Year is here and so is the time for retrospection. As you look back on the amazing events that happened this past year it is the perfect time to begin drafting a list of the extrodinary things you want to accomplish this year! If you haven't yet selected a new years resolution or are still tweaking one, apply these tips and you will start this year off with a bang:
- Create the Vision- You have selected a new year's resolution, so you have a vision for what you want to do. Spend some time figuring out how you will get there. If you want to lose weight, then pick what activity will get you there. Will you focus on eating better, physical activity or both? Here are 20 great options to explore:
- Get Healthier
- Reduce Debt
- Earn More Money
- Speak Up
- Get a Movie-cation
- Reduce Stress
- Get Some Gumption
- Be Happier With Your Life
- Be More Romantic
- Learn a New Language
- Reinvent Yourself
- Face Your Insecurities or Fears
- Write a Book or Journal
- Get a Creative Outlet
- Learn to Cook With Flare
- Start Saving Money
- Travel to Somewhere New
- Improve Your Space
- Get Inspired
- Meet New People
Even they all sound great. I recommend limiting your selection to one to three resolutions so you can truly focus on them and see results.
- Create a Plan or Plan to Fail- Your plan doesn't have to be perfect however; not having a plan makes your goal significantly harder to attain. Now that you have focused your vision, by adding physical activity, now figure out how will you make happen. Check out this post on revamping the worst new years resolution so you can keep them. Saying you are going to work out seven days a week for the next six months when you aren't working out at all right now is a bit unreasonable. So to get start out by picking a reasonable goal that you can do like work out two days a week before work and start taking the stairs. If your starter goals seem a bit low, you can always increase them later.
- Creating New Habits Takes Time- Behaviors, good or bad, develop over the course of your life, so don’t be surprised that it will take time to change them. Don’t get overwhelmed by the big picture, it takes about 21 days to create a new habit. Taking it one day at a time and you will start to create healthier habits to propel you forward.
- Don’t Beat Your Self Up- Perfection is unattainable so don't beat your self about minor missteps. Everyday is a new opportunity to take your life into the direction of your dreams. Give you self a fresh start and begin again!
- Put It Out There- Share your experiences and goals with someone. Having someone that is supportive of your efforts and success gives you an advantage. People with a good support system are far more likely to succeed in reaching their goals then people who had to go at it alone.
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